Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Create more than 4 Network Cards in Virtualbox

Create more than 4 Network Adapters in Virtualbox

I've seen this post from - https://www.eanderalx.org/virtualization/8_network_card_vbox. I re-posted it here on my blog for reference purposes, so that I don't have to search for it the next time I need it.

Virtualbox supports up to eight network cards. If you look into the *.vbox you will see that there are already preconfigured but disabled. Unfortunately inside the VBox GUI we could only configure up to four. I will show how to get and configure the other.
You have to use VBoxManage to get the other network cards. After the option will always be the NIC Number count one to eight. Here I will use five and the name of the machine that will be configured is “network-test”.

Set Mode and enable NIC

When a Mode is set the NIC will be enabled.
  1. Set NIC five to Host-Only Mode and User vboxnet0 (Initially existing Host-Only Net)
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 hostonly
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --hostonlyadapter5 "vboxnet0"
  2. Set NIC five to Bridge eth1
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 bridged
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --bridgeadapter5 "eth1'
    NOTE: In Windows, use the actual Network Adapter Name instead of eth1
  3. Set NIC to NAT Mode
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 nat
  4. Use the internal VM net “test01”
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 intnet
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --intnet5 "test01"

Configuring NIC

  • To use VLAN and some other things in VMs the Promiscuous mode have to be enabled
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nicpromisc5 allow-all
  • Use other hardware type (Intel Pro/1000 MT Server)
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nictype5 82545EM
  • Dis/connect cable
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --cableconnected5 off

All Options

The help of VBoxManage contains much more options than I've showed

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Can't create a file in drive C's root directory - Windows 8/8.1

Can't create a file in drive C's root directory - Windows 8/8.1

Have you ever experienced your Windows 8/8.1 computer prompting you that you do not have permissions on some folders especially on C drive's root directory even if you're an administrator and have disabled User Account Control?


In Windows 7 or 8, users (even administrators) are not allowed to create files in the C drive root directory, an error message like “A required privilege is not held by the client” or “access is denied” will be prompted.
To fix this, just turn off the User Account Control (UAC). In Windows 8, do not turn off the UAC via control panel, you must go through the registry.
  1. Press “Windows Key + R”, type regedit
  2. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA
  3. Update the EnableLUA value to 0 (turn if off)
  4. Restart Windows.

Here's the story I got from Microsoft:
  1. Microsoft prefers that we leave UAC enabled.
  2. If we do choose to disable UAC via the registry, then we must also disable the 'luafv' service as well to stop the UAC File virtualization service errors.
How to disable luafv service
  1. HKLM\System\CurrnetControlSet\Services\luafv
  2. Set the value of "Start" to 4.
  3. Reboot the server. 
Ramifications of disabling luafv

  1. You will lose IE sandbox
  2. Modern apps (metro) will not work
  3. "There is no way we can predict all side effects, but the above two components will surely be affected"
  4. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2526083/en-us